The main text starts from here.


Kankyo-ka TEL:054-626-1130

Residents must put their domestic trash in bags and keep them at home until the designated days of the week when they can be placed at the designated trash collection sites. Do not put any trash out on days other than the designated days or places other than the designated collection sites.(Please bring your trash by 8 a.m. on the trash collection day.)


You must separate your trash into flammable trash, tree branches, plastic packing and containers, nonflammable recyclable trash, domestic/foreign reusable Items such as clothing, household appliances, and personal computers.

Trash type Examples of trash and how to put it out

Trash to be burnt


Collected twice a week

(e.g.) kitchen garbage, non-recyclable paper, fiber or rubber products, straw products, unrecyclable plastic products (dirty products, vinyl chloride products, etc.), FUTON, carpets, hot carpets (remove the mechanical parts and put them out as non-burnable recyclable trash), disposable lighters (use up the gas inside)


namagomi  senigomu  waratake  plastic

  • How to prepare for disposal: Put the above kinds of trash into transparent or semi-transparent plastic bags, and close them.


Tree branches


Collected on the same day and place as trash to be burnt

(e.g.) wood debris, tree branches senteieda

  • How to prepare for disposal: Cut the branches or debris into 1 m pieces, bind them with wire or paper string. The diameter of the bunch should be about 30cm. For debris and wooden pieces that can’t be bound, put them in a plastic bag and write “KIKUZU” (wooden pieces) on the bag.

Plastic packaging and containers and packages(YOKIHOSO PURASUTIKKU):

Collected once a week, at the same place as the trash to be burnt

(e.g.) bottles, packages, cups, trays, tubes, nets, plastic bags, wrapping film, cushioning materials

 botoru  pakkukappu  torei  kansyou

These plastic packages and containers should have the “plastic mark”. 

”Plastic Mark”puramark


  • How to prepare for disposal: Rinse off or wipe off stains or dirt, then put them in a transparent or semi-transparent bag, and close it.

Non-burnable recyclable trash(FUNEN SHIGEN GOMI):

Collected once a month, not at the same place as the burnable trash



(e.g.) paper (cardboard, miscellaneous paper, newspapers, fliers, magazines, paper packages), bottles (transparent, brown, and other colors), cans (aluminum and steel cans), old clothes, PET plastic bottles, small electronic appliances, metals, batteries, light bulbs, fluorescent bulbs, mirror, china, glass, bicycles, plastic products (plastic toys, wardrobe cases, hangers, accessory cases, CDs and their cases, cassette tapes, video tapes, and other plastic products without the plastic mark)

How to prepare for disposal:

 danbouru  sinbun  toumeibin  cyairobin  sonotabin  hurugi

  • Sort the paper into the same category, and bind each bundle with paper string.  Put the Miscellaneous papers into envelopes or paper bags, fold them to keep them inside and bind them with paper string. 
  • Bottles, cans, PET plastic bottles – Rinse the inside.
  •  Old clothing – Bind them with paper string or wrap the clothes with other old clothing.  Dirty or stained clothing, and underwear must be sorted as burnable trash, and disposed accordingly.
  • Batteries – For Nickel-Cadmium rechargeable batteries and mercury batteries, please ask at the place of purchase.
Domestic/Foreign Reusable Items Such as Clothing

(e.g.) suits, jeans, fleeces, sweaters, leather products, scarves, jackets, down jackets, staffed animals, bags, shoes, and hats

(Method of Disposal) Please place the items in a transparent or half-transparent bag, and close the opening.  Please put shoes in a different bag from other items.  (You can dispose of only pairs.)

Household appliances(KADEN YONHINMOKU):

Not collected by the city

(e.g.) TVs, refrigerators・freezers, washing machines・clothes drying machines, air conditioners

tv  reizouko  eakon  sentakuki

Disposal: Please ask at the place of purchase.  A disposal fee will be charged.

Personal computers(PASOKON)

Not collected by the city

(e.g.) Desktop hardware, displays, laptops, and attachments (including mice, keyboards, speakers, and cables)


Disposal: Please contact the manufacturer for collection. A disposal fee will be charged.

If you are not sure how to put out your trash, please call

Kankyo-ka TEL:054-626-1130

If you do not speak Japanese, have a Japanese speaker call this number for you.


The days you can put out your trash vary from area to area. You need to check the designated days for the district where you live. Trash must be put out no later than 8 AM on the trash collection day.


You need to check with City Hall staff or your neighborhood association about the collection sites for burnable trash and non-burnable recyclable trash.


update:April 30, 2024